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Terms and Conditions - Purchases and Practise with Nicola Glenn Yoga

Welcome to Nicola Glenn Yoga!  I am so grateful and excited to start a lifelong wellness journey with you and look forward to seeing you in The Dreaming Moon studio. 


Transparency and understanding is important for everyone, so please familiarise yourself with this page.

Nicola Glenn Yoga will assume that on booking into any class you indicate your acceptance of the waiver and terms & conditions, as detailed in the Booking Online subpages on our website.




*NGY is in place of Nicola Glenn Yoga

*Nicola Glenn Yoga T/A Higher Power Arts sole trader and named business account.

*The Dreaming Moon is the studio space, private garden and equipment provided.

*Members and students are any and all attendees to classes with NGY.

* Teachers refers to Nicola Glenn and any teachers hiring The Dreaming Moon.


Recording Disclaimer: classes will often be recorded in real time.  We are building our online library for on demand yoga.  We aim to offer on demand packages and online drop in classes, so students will be attending online.  The camera is mainly on the teacher’s mat, however please tell the teacher if you’d prefer a mat space out of shot so we can do our best to help.


Why must I go through the Sign Up on your website before I can book a class?

Creating a membership gives you instant access to all classes, you can plan ahead, cancel easily and reschedule.  You also get a newsletter each month which gives you all the upcoming deals, discounts and early news of events.


What’s the benefit to me of signing your Waiver and Health Declaration Forms, isn’t this for your benefit?

The good news is that it’s for both our benefits.  I pay for annual yoga teacher insurance that means should there be any serious issues then I and the studio space are financially covered.  I also pay for annual First Aid refreshers and ongoing yoga training to make sure I’m up to date.  The student can only benefit from any of this if they sign the waiver which also keeps the student accountable for their own practice.  The health declaration part means the teacher knows up front how to advise you on practising to suit your individual needs in complete confidence - we aren’t doctors, we have basic knowledge so we need your transparency.  It’s very rare that issues arise, yet having an emergency phone number for all students is absolutely essential. By buying a package and attending classes or events you have entered into a contract with Nicola Glenn Yoga.  In studio and online students must be aware that should they deviate from the teacher’s instructions during class and cause themselves injury they void their waiver agreement.

All students must notify the studio by email to of any changes to their health that may impact on their physical exercise e.g. high/low blood pressure, cardiac changes and / or irregularities.


What are your waiver and health declaration requirements?

You as the member must provide your personal data as true, accurate, current and complete.

You as the member will email and make changes to your online account should your details be different at any time.

You as the member will agree not to impersonate any other person or entity, nor may you use a false name or identity or name that you are not legally authorised to use.


Can I just turn up without booking? 

The studio comfortably holds 10-12 mats, so booking in advance is highly recommended. 

The studio is also part of a private residence so we require notification of all individuals attending.

It also means we kindly ask you to cancel in good time if you can’t make it as waitlists are available.


What if I need to cancel my class?

We require 6 hours cancellation so that those on the waitlist can be notified by email, as those students will need time to be made aware. 

If you cancel inside 6 hours and we can’t successfully resell the space then one class credit will come off your package.  

Cancelling is best done via your log in to NGY or the app.  

Cancelling outside of 6 hours keeps your classes in credit.

Cancellation of classes by NGY result in credit to your account or refund.


The class I want to attend is full! Can you help me?

We have a waitlist you can join! To access a waitlist you will need to have signed up as a new student via the website and completed the waiver and health declaration form.

This means you can be notified of the newly available space either via automated email and/or a call from the studio.  

If you receive the waitlisted space too late for you to attend please let us know asap by email to


Help! I’m running late!

Yoga classes usually start with some kind of stillness, meditation or breathwork to bring your awareness to yourself and the time for your practice. 

If you’re within 5 mins late we can let you in.  Just be aware that any later means practice will be in flow and the gates locked for security.

The teacher won’t be able to hear you at the gate once they have closed the studio doors.

Classes are not credited back or refunded for lateness after 5 minutes as we won’t have been able to resell the space.

Please let us know in advance if you think you will be late and we will do our best to accommodate you.


How do I book for your ceremonies and workshops? 

Just as classes, any ceremonies and workshops run by NGY require full payment to book via the website.

Events by NYG will be non refundable up to 2 weeks beforehand.

Cancelling outside of the 2 weeks means you will be credited or refunded.

Cancelling within the 2 weeks means you will lose your payment unless we have a waitlist and we can resell your space.  Your account will then be credited.

Should NGY cancel the event you will be refunded.

If you’d like a friend to come they just need to sign up as a new student via the website and complete the waiver.

*Not all events and workshops will be priced the same, some will have visiting experts and others require more physical preparation.

NGY cannot provide refunds in the case of cancelled travel (rail, air etc), please have your own insurance for this.

Retrospective refunds are not possible, we must have heard from you prior to the event, ceremony or workshop.


Can I bring my dog/s or children and leave them outside in the garden while I’m in class?

The owner of the premises is not insured to have unsupervised children of clientele on site.

We absolutely adore dogs however we have one very elderly cat who definitely does not! As this is her home we politely request that your beautiful dog does not come to yoga with you :(    Of course, all guide dogs will be accommodated, just let us know.


Can I shower / change / use the house bathroom if I come to classes?

Due to home and contents insurance the owner does not allow students to use the house facilities, there are also home educated children on site at all times, so please come to your class ‘fully ready’ to practise.

For longer and pre-organised events there are different arrangements in place. 


Your timetable has changed and it’s annoyed me!

Yes, this can happen sadly!  NGY reserves the right to amend class times and the class schedule if changes will reflect the majority’s needs and help class numbers, thereby supporting the business and community. All students will be advised via email and with notice before changes are implemented.


Pricing Plan T&Cs:

It’s important you understand the terms of renewals, cancellations and refunds around the package or membership you purchase.  Transparency and clarity are key to yogic principles. I have laid these out carefully for you below.


What does Activation mean?

Activation means ‘from the first class booked’, not from your date of purchase.  

All packs, memberships, gift cards and offers must be activated within 12 months of purchase.

All intro offers, drop ins, monthly passes and class packs activate from your first class booked.


Can I pause my monthly or annual membership direct debit for illness or travel?

Absolutely!  One of the benefits of the direct debit packages means that we know you are committed and so we can offer you two pauses a year, with each pause being up to one month.

Please do talk to us in complete confidence if there is a different requirement.


Introductory Offer £20 for 30 days


As many classes as you like in 30 consecutive days.  You can even attend more than one a day!

Sign up to a Monthly or Annual direct debit membership during these thirty days and receive a further 10% discount for the first two months!  Email me to set this up for you at


Cannot be refunded, extended, interrupted, paused or exchanged.


Private Yoga Classes 

Welcome to your very own yoga practice class which will take you deeper into self study and your physical self too.  It’s important you are clear about why  you’d like to have private classes so that your teacher can take time to plan them out accordingly.

The time is set at 75 minutes and charged at £55. and can include breathwork, asana practice and a little self awareness work using yoga traditional teachings if you like, so there is a supportive commitment from both of us in your journey.

Full payment is needed to secure the booking.

If you cancel within 48 hours of your session then the teacher retains full payment.

If you cancel outside of 48 hours without rescheduling you receive half the payment back.

If you cancel and reschedule the teacher retains the full payment for the new session time.

Should NGY cancel the booking then all monies will be refunded.


Class Purchases

In studio and online drop-in classes and class packs are non-refundable.

The £20 for 30 Days of Unlimited Yoga Intro Offer is non-refundable and cannot be interrupted, paused or extended. It is 30 full consecutive days.


Class Packs Benefits and Validity Time

There is a certain timeframe in which you must use your class packs.

Extensions are given only for medical or long term travel reasons.

5 Class Pack - brings class cost to £8 - must be used within one month.

10 Class Pack - brings class cost to £7.50 -  must be used within three months.

20 Class Pack - brings class cost to £7 - must be used within four months.


Direct Debit Monthly and Annual Memberships - In Studio and Online


unlimited studio classes.

access to all online and recorded content.

10% discount on any NGY events and workshops.

2x 30 day annual payment pauses if needed.

Value: £7 per class if you attend twice a week


There is a three month minimum term for all direct debit contracts.

You may not cancel your membership during this minimum subscription.

Paid monthly by direct debit from the date you sign up. 

If after the three months minimum subscription a member wishes to give their 30 days notice to cancel, they must do this in writing via email to  

From the date of the member’s email they will have one month left to pay during which time they still have full access to member benefits.

If a member cancels during the three month subscription period they do so in awareness that they remain liable to pay the remainder of the minimum period.

Once all fees have been paid - including any outstanding balance for which you as the member give full authorization for NGY to take payment from any payment card provided - then it is the member’s responsibility to cancel their direct debit with their bank.

Membership automated payments start from the day you sign up and are set to auto renew on the same date each month.

These are payable whether or not the member uses the studio's facilities. 

Automated payments are not refundable. 

Pre-paid annual membership fees are not refundable.

If the member needs to take a payment pause for illness they must please provide an email.  

Payment pauses can also be because of long term travel. A membership account can be reactivated when NGY is advised  via email to

Any member can have up to two payment pauses of up to thirty days each annually - hence the three month minimum contract clause.

If for any reason a member is unable to complete payments please advise NGY as soon as possible.  

Payment defaults will be notified to students by email and NGY asks that these be discussed in confidence at the earliest convenience to manage repayments.


Your Yoga Environment has been created for you <3

Often, people coming to yoga are looking to work on something in themselves, sometimes without realising it.  For this reason, we aim to keep a welcoming, peaceful and respectful vibe - otherwise known as ‘stay in yoga’. 

A high spec studio has been built and high quality equipment provided for you so that you can have the best possible experience, please treat it with care - ahimsa.  Deliberate disrespect of teachers, other students, equipment or the environment will result in you being asked to leave NGY and any packages will not be refunded for the time of suspension.


Nicola Glenn Yoga reserves the right to adjust all and any class, class pack and membership prices in line with living costs and inflation at any time.  All students will be notified of any changes by email.


The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of England and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts

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