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Image by Alexander Grey
Students in a Saturday morning 'Rocket'  class, practicing Bakasana (Crow).

The Sacred Geometry of Arm Balances


A 2 Hour Workshop

Thursday, 12th September

6 - 8 pm



Finding balance on our hands and arms is a huge amount of fun and at the same time we can become totally absorbed in the present moment - it's the paradox of mindfulness found in a directed effort.


The shapes that our bodies can create are seemingly endless so this is a beautiful part of our yoga practice, which also shows us where we can increase our flexibility and strength.  There are always modifications for all of our bodies and we can use blocks to support us too.


This two hour workshop is an opportunity to experience mindfulness in movement, through learning to bring together the different components of some of yoga's more challenging moments, arm balances.


This workshop is for you if you have an existing vinyasa yoga practice and can hold a plank for 30 seconds or more. A small group means that you will receive individual focus and personal tips for your own needs. Sometimes, just the smallest cue to engage a specific muscle group or shift a hand or gaze point can take you much further than you think.


Your evening:

Begins with a warm up vinyasa flow.

To support your practice we will learn how to look after the various joints and bones involved.

Key focus on hand and fingertip grip.

Muscle activation and shoulder movements.

Using your breath to enter and maintain balance in your pose.

We will work through the families of arm balances and their variations, with modifications for different levels of practitioner.

A final flow where you can incorporate your new learnings.

Easing down to a relaxing savasana.


The arm balances:

The families of poses and their variations will include variations of:

Bakasana - Crow, Koundinyasana - Flying Splits,

Firefly - Tittibhasana and 8 Angle - Astavrakasana.


Come along if you're curious about how to create this beautiful sacred geometry in your own practice.


You are welcome to bring your own mat or borrow one here.

We have blocks, bolsters and straps for your use.

Wear something comfortable that enables you to grip your arms with your legs like leggings or shorts, (joggers or baggy trousers not advisable).


Remember to bring:

Water bottle.

Warm jumper or blanket for your savasana.

Phone to record yourself or any demos.



The Dreaming Moon Yoga Studio

30 Leconfield Road, Lancing,

Sussex, BN15 9JB


With love, Nicola xx

Image by Alexander Grey
Nicola in a Pincha Mayurasana, straddle variation with hollow-back.

The Joy of  Headstands and Forearm Stands


A 2 Hour Workshop

Thursday, 24th October

6 - 8 pm



Balancing upside down is achievable for everyone.


It's fondly referred to as the upside down life and the most important thing we can bring to this journey is a sense of playfulness. Sometimes, the best things take a little time. It can really help to understand that these skills often need specific and individual attention, you may be realising there isn't time in the yoga class itself.


This 2 hour workshop is for you if you are beginning to explore the journey to headstand 'Sirsasana'

or forearm stand 'Pincha Mayurasana'. All of our bodies are unique, individual attention will be given to ensure all needs are met. You will be able to use the wall for support and I am fully trained in inversion assisting, so can offer physical support.


For this workshop it is advisable to have a consistent vinyasa practice or consistent experience in callisthenics; it is not suitable for beginners.

Downward Dog and Dolphin are the first places we begin to put our weight into our hands, arms and shoulders when our hips are above our heart. It's from here that we build awareness of the combined and necessary elements of strength and flexibility.


Your evening:

Let's flow together to prepare your body for your journey upside down.

Study the anatomy of each pose to better understand how your body moves into them.

Experiment with hand, fingertip, gaze and head placements - what feels right for you?

Breathing for balance in your ascent and descent.

What are we thinking? What part does our mind play?

'Working the negative' - using the descent to build strength.

'Bail out' safely - managing a safe exit.

> Journey to Headstand and the Headstand variations.

> Journey to Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand) and the Pincha variations.

Easing into a restful Savasana.


You are welcome to bring your own mat or borrow one here.

We have blocks, bolsters and straps for your use.

Wear clothing that enables you to go upside down with ease and confidence.

*You will need a pair of socks.


Remember to bring:

*Thick / fluffy socks (not trainer socks)

Water bottle.

Warm jumper or blanket for your savasana.

Phone to record yourself or any demos.



The Dreaming Moon Yoga Studio

30 Leconfield Road, Lancing,

Sussex, BN15 9JB


With love, Nicola xx

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